Planned Giving


Here are the ways most people are giving this lasting gift to Habitat for Humanity:

Residual bequest:

A percentage of the remainder of your estate after other specific legacies have been fulfilled.

“After taking care of all expenses, debts and other provisions, I give, devise and bequeath ___ percent of the rest and residue [or $___ if a specific amount] to Habitat for Humanity ​of Southwest Utah, a ​Utah-based charitable organization [Tax ID# ​84-1424693] currently with administrative offices at ​39 S Main Street, Hurricane, UT 84737.”

Specific bequest:

A specific dollar amount or stated fraction of your estate or a specified gift in kind, such as collections, art, books, jewelry, etc.

“I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Habitat for Humanity ​of Southwest Utah [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its charitable purposes, including but not limited to ___________ use and also purpose.”

Contingent bequest:

A gift that is originally intended for other beneficiaries but, in the event of their prior passing, is redirected as a charitable donation.

“If any of the beneficiaries named in this will should die before becoming entitled to receive their distributive share of my estate, I direct my trustee to pay or transfer the share to which such beneficiary would otherwise be entitled, to Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Utah for its unrestricted use and also purpose.”

Habitat for Humanity Giving Ribbon Cut


Maybe you’d like to give to empower families to become self-reliant, successful homeowners in their communities. It’s one of the ways that you can be sure families have safe homes by simply signing your name. So, when you include Habitat for Humanity in your plans, you promote self-reliance and housing stability here in our communities.

Once your family and friends are provided for, we hope you consider a legacy gift. As a result, this makes supporting families work toward their independence a part of your life story.

​Therefore making a legacy gift in your will or trust is one of the easiest and most popular ways to bring people together. Above all, legacy gift will help build homes and strong communities. Contact us if you have any questions. We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

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We are an ecumenical housing ministry committed to providing safe, decent, affordable housing for qualified low-income families in Washington County, UT.

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